
Understanding Chiropractic

The nervous system is the master control system of your body. All body functions occur through its signalling – your heart beats, the lungs breath, muscles contract and relax, hormones are produced, food is digested and eliminated etc. The nervous system is made up of your brain, sense organs, spinal cord and the nerves that branch throughout the entire body. Any obstruction in its signalling will lead to health imbalances, dysfunction and dis-ease. Chiropractic is a healthcare profession based on the knowledge that tension and misalignments (subluxations) in the spine and other related structures interfere with the flow of information and energy through your nervous system.

Nerve interference results in a myriad of dysfunctions and syndromes. This can range from musculoskeletal pains, postural problems, breathing and digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, immune weakness and disorders, asthma and allergies, learning disorders and developmental delays, reproductive, fertility and libido imbalances and more…

What are the causes of dysfunction and interference in the nervous system?

Physical, Chemical and Mental stressors in life impact the spine and nervous system, causing dysfunction and dis-ease. The art, science and philosophy of Chiropractic serve to identify and correct the stressors present in your condition, emphasizing the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself by correcting subluxations of the spine and other joints. 

Injuries, accidents, falls, slips, the birthing process, postural imbalances and microtraumas Toxins, additives and chemicals in foods, smoking, drugs, environmental pollutants Upsets, arguments, personal and relationship issues, work pressure, career or life changes

We use a variety of sophisticated Chiropractic techniques in order to uncover the cause of dysfunction and effectively direct the most appropriate treatment or therapy possible. 

Gentle Chiropractic Adjusting

SOT is a gentle hands-on technique with a “no cracking” approach that gives patients a sense of ease, allowing them to relax and get the most from their adjustment.

SOT is a profound clinical methodology that addresses dysfunctions and relationships between the spine, extremities, organs, cranium and jaw (TMJ). Click here to read more about SOT and how you can benefit from it.

The cranium protects the delicate tissue of the brain.

SOT Craniopathy is a specialized Chiropractic field that addresses structural restrictions and misalignments in the bones of the skull, face and jaw. Correcting cranial distortion patterns improves circulation of Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) around the brain tissue and spinal cord.

This has been proven to help with migraines, headaches, vision problems, TMJ dysfunction, coordination, speech problems, hearing, vertigo, tinnitus, sinus problems, emotional disturbance, hormone imbalances, sleep disturbance, insomnia, loss of memory, loss of energy and more. Click here to learn more:

Applied Kinesiology to uncover the cause of dysfunction.

Applied Kinesiology is an advanced diagnostic and corrective system developed by Dr. George Goodheart that applies Chiropractic through principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The scientific process of testing muscle function and related reflexes is used to assess the workings of the nervous system in conjunction with traditional diagnostic methods such as x-ray and blood labs.

AK provides practitioners with real time bio-feedback to identify structural, physiological and nutritional needs and apply corrective therapies then and there. Click here to learn more:

Often the source of physical problems involves an emotional event.

Emotions are at the core of every symptom, stress and disease pattern. Often, stressors trigger the body-mind to behave according to past emotional imprints. We aren’t able to act in the present moment because our body reacts as if something from the past is going on right now.

Neuro Emotional Technique is a Chiropractic methodology of addressing unresolved emotional stressors often involved in physical health complaints and emotional health complaints. Click here for more:

The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and correction performed to optimize pelvic and uterine mechanics for pregnant women to help ensure optimal physical conditions preceding and during labor.

This sophisticated approach is utilized to complement our integrated pregnancy support program. Click here to learn more:
