New Patients

As a Patient Centered practice, our goal is to uncover the cause of imbalance, not merely treat the symptom. That is why we offer a fully integrated approach - because life isn't one sided. 

Online Patients 

First Consultation - Getting to know you and your goals

  • Comprehensive Consultation regarding your health concerns and goals
  • Heart to heart to establish a clear picture of where you are at, what needs to change and how we are going to get there. 
  • If appropriate per case, diagnostic tests will be arranged, may include x—rays, blood chemistry and urinalysis.

Second Consultation - Report of Findings and beginning care

  • A therapy road map will be presented appropriate to your health goals and life circumstances
  • This includes a program of care, frequency of sessions, expectations and responsibilities (both you and I). 
  • Beginning care - mind, lifestyle, body, nutrition, education etc.

Your individualized care program

Health is a process and healing takes time. Our mission is to help you achieve your goals as fast as possible, both as short term and long term investments. Each care program is absolutely unique. 

Education and guidance accompanied with distilled resource materials, clinical tools and therapy sessions using Brain Based, Behavior Based and Lifestyle methods to address your health/life goals. Involves guided weekly heart to heart catch ups, educational readings, assignments and more. Directive and accountability focused. Therapies include:

  • Functional Medicine, Brainspotting, Education, Neuro Emotional Technique, Nutrition, Lifestyle Medicine, Clinical Laboratory assessment and Rehab as indicated.
  • Weekly homework reflection, learning and action assignments 

In Clinic Patients 

First Consultation - Getting to know you and your goals

  • Comprehensive Consultation regarding your health concerns and goals
  • Physical Examination to identify the underlying factors that need to be addressed
  • Assessments include Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, Neurological and Orthopedic tests to evaluate your spine, nervous system and expression of health.
  • Additional diagnostic tests if necessary will be arranged, may include x—rays, blood chemistry and urinalysis.
  • First Adjustment

Second Consultation - Report of Findings and beginning care

Dr. Pine will review the significant findings from your examinations and explain the causes of your health concerns.

A personally tailored care plan will then be presented to begin to address and correct the body imbalances present, with designated milestones, to improve function at the highest possible level.

Your second adjustment will be performed including Chiropractic, Nutritional corrections and Rehabilitation instructions.

Your individualized care program

Health is a process and healing takes time. Our mission is to help you achieve your goals as fast as possible, both as short term and long term investments.

Your management plan will include a series of appointments based on your needs, involving the below to empower you to lead the health promoting life of your choice.

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Functional Medicine, nutritional corrections, supplementation and reassessments
  • Rehabilitative exercise programs
  • Stress reduction strategies